Unlimited Monthly On...
Unlimited Monthly On-Demand
Unlimited Monthly On-Demand, no refunds.
$55 |
Unlimited classes
Personalized Training Program
4-week personalized ...
4-week personalized training program
4-week training program tailored to your needs, ability, goals, and injuries. Begins with an initial consultation over Zoom or FaceTime that usually spans about 40mins long. From there, you will get a document with your detailed program. There will be links to each unfamiliar exercise, but we are also able to meet for an explanation before you start!
$150 |
1 class
6-Week Personalized Training Program
6-week personalized ...
6-week personalized training program
4-week training program tailored to your needs, ability, goals, and injuries. Begins with an initial consultation over Zoom or FaceTime that usually spans about 40mins long. From there, you will get a document with your detailed program. There will be links to each unfamiliar exercise, but we are also able to meet for an explanation before you start!
$200 |
1 class
5 Class Pack LIVE cl...
5 Class Pack LIVE classes only
5 Class Pack *no refunds after purchase, expires after 60 days!
$35 |
5 classes
10 Class Pack
10 Class Pack *no refunds after purchase, expires 90 days after purchase!
$65 |
20 classes
10 pack On Demand Cl...
10 pack On Demand Classes (only)
Pack of 10 VOD classes of your choice! Remember: once you download you have 24 hours until your access disappears. Package expires after 60 days
$30 |
10 classes